A walk by the sea: Our latest, most exciting development is like nothing Mumbai has seen before. The Minister of Environment of Maharashtra has just granted permission for the development of a Sea Walk from PDP to Amarsons Park in Breach Candy. Not only will this curb illegal reclamation and encroachment of the sea-shore, but also give people a wide, beautiful promenade to walk through.
Sporting endeavours: A Children's Park, Padel Cour and Futsal are ongoing developments. The park also includes facilities for ages 5 years and above.
Renovation of Athletic Track at PDP and street lights surrounding the park: We're here to give our patrons the very best, state-of-the facilities. To the extent that they feel truly energized from the moment they step in.
As Priyadarshini Park grows from strength to strength, it continues to inspire the support of countless citizens. Powered by the people, the park aims to become more than ever – a place blossoming with culture, creativity and community.